Uzbekistan Resources
- 2023 Cotton Harvest 2
- Advocacy with International Financial Institutions (IFCs) 26
- Advocacy with the EU 6
- Advocacy with the US Government 16
- Annual Harvest Monitoring 1
- Civic Space Restrictions 39
- Engagement with the Government of Uzbekistan 14
- Harvest Monitoring Reports 27
- Privatization of the Cotton Sector 10
- Responsible Sourcing 21
- Sourcing and Supply Chains 3
- Stakeholder Call to Action 47
- The Role of Farmers 2
- US TIP reports 10
- Uzbek Cotton Pledge 12
- Uzbekistan 2
- Working to Ensure Reforms are Durable 15

Uzbekistan Should Emphasize Workers’ Rights to Maintain Momentum for Responsible Sourcing

New Regulations in Uzbekistan Effectively Impose Government Control on NGOs

Opportunities and Challenges for Sourcing from Uzbekistan, Following the Lifting of the Uzbek Cotton Pledge

UZBEKISTAN: ‘Advocacy for labour and human rights is a marathon, not a sprint’

Video: 15 Years of Campaigning, Civil Society at the Core of the Cotton Campaign

Video Recording of the Cotton Campaign Press Conference, March 10, 2022
Cotton Campaign Participation in the EU GSP+ Consultation on Uzbekistan

State-imposed Forced Labour: Outlining the Situation in Central Asia

Uzbek Forum on Access to Remedy and the Shrinking Civic Space in Uzbekistan

Recent Workers’ Victory Reveals the Rot in Uzbekistan’s Public Life (by Open Democracy)

Uzbekistan: First Independent Labor Union Faces Intimidation
A Changing Landscape in Uzbek Cotton Production

Bennett Freeman Remarks, ILO Roundtable on 2020 Cotton Harvest

Uzbekistan: Fair Recruitment, Effective Accountability Needed to End Forced Labor as Independent Labor Monitors Harassed, Arbitrarily Detained
Brands Need Assurances on Forced Labor and Civil Society in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan: Efforts Underway to End Forced Labor
Uzbekistan: Amidst reform effort, journalists and activists face criminal charges, arbitrary detention, forced psychiatric treatment
State Lifts Restrictions on Uzbek Human Rights Defender